Friday, March 9, 2007

Coming through!

This photo was shot at a place called Da He Ma (trans. Big Hippo) Water Park in Guangzhou, China, which was just across the street from the school where I taught. These women usually did their early-morning tai chi in the parking lot at about 6:30 or 7 a.m. - long before the place opened for the day. I was at the bus stop on this particular morning and decided to take a few shots of the ladies. Just as I snapped, one of the many motorcycle taxi dudes came ripping through the lot - and the ladies didn't even blink. If any of you know what the traffic is like in Guangzho (or any city in China for that matter), you'll understand why I think this shot exemplifies the city. Tranquility and cacophony often collide head-on in Guangzhou.

A city-wide motorcycle ban came into effect last year, so I don't know if the same mayhem exists in the city. Knowing that old habits die hard, I'd be willing to be little has changed despite the ban.

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